Leninist Days/Jornadas leninistas, free of charge and open to anyone, will take place from January 27 to May 25, 2024, both at in-person and hybrid gatherings and through online-only meetings and will include keynotes, panel discussions, informal conversations, and book launches and presentations.
This series of events would welcome and strive to prompt related local initiatives of similar nature, whether completely independent from this series of events or officially organized under its banner.
One hundred years after his death, we continue to ask ourselves what, at every changing juncture, Lenin never ceased to ask himself: a question whose answers, in a permanent exercise of re-union of theory and practice, philosophy and revolution, politics and economy, life and art, necessity and possibility, action and thought—however diverse, even contradictory, and no less evolving such answers may have been—, do not point to a mere will to adapt or persevere, let alone to a lack of principles, but to the dialectical consistency of a position and a conduct in constant dialogue with a present inseparable from the future on which it does not cease to bet.
Such question, what is to be done, demands of us today not only answers as urgent and diverse as the multiple and overlapping crises we are confronted with and the no less multiple and diverse challenges derived from them—from the climate crisis to the very crisis of our condition as beings willing and able to reach our full humanity through a world of true, unconditional, radical equality, and then and only then of freedom, justice and fraternity—, but also capable of converging in a global revolutionary strategy that unites all forces and all resources necessary for emancipatory change to be once and for all not only desirable and possible but at last inevitable.
Leninist Days/Jornadas leninistas would seek to prefigure such beam of answers and such capacity to articulate them in a vigorous and mobilizing vision of the radically new future we still carry in ourselves. This may well be the best if not the only way to be Leninists as Lenin himself today would have been, to continue the struggle—without Lenin—with him.
Upcoming event(s) / Próxima(s) actividad(es)
Saturday 25 May 2024
11:00 AM — 12:45 PM (EST) — Closing Address
Peter D. Thomas Lenin’s Alternative: A Politics of Another Type
Chair: Sebastian Budgen
Simultaneous interpretation: Ernesto Teuma
Venue(s): Havana, London, New York, Paris.
Click on the zoom link
A cien años de su muerte, nos seguimos preguntando lo que, en cada cambiante coyuntura, no dejó de preguntarse Lenin. Pregunta cuyas respuestas —en ejercicio permanente de re-unión de teoría y práctica, filosofía y revolución, política y economía, vida y arte, necesidad y posibilidad, acción y pensamiento—, por diversas, incluso contradictorias, y no menos cambiantes que hayan sido, no apuntan a una mera voluntad de adaptarse o perseverar, y menos aún a una falta de principios, sino a la coherencia dialéctica de una postura y una conducta en constante diálogo con el presente inseparable del futuro por el que no se deja de apostar.
Esa pregunta, qué hacer, nos exige hoy no sólo respuestas tan urgentes y diversas como las múltiples y superpuestas crisis a que nos vemos enfrentados y los no menos múltiples y diversos desafíos que de ellas se derivan—de la crisis climática a la propia crisis de nuestra condición como seres deseosos y capaces de alcanzar nuestra humanidad plena en un mundo de igualdad verdadera, sin condiciones, radical y, sólo entonces, de libertad, justicia y fraternidad—, sino también que confluyan en una estrategia revolucionaria global que aúne a todas las fuerzas y todos los recursos necesarios para que el cambio emancipatorio sea no sólo deseable y posible sino al fin inevitable.
Leninist Days/Jornadas leninistas quisiera prefigurar ese haz de respuestas y esa capacidad para articularlas en una visión robusta y movilizadora del futuro radicalmente nuevo de que todavía somos portadores. Tal vez sea la mejor —si no la única— manera de ser leninistas como el propio Lenin lo habría hoy podido ser, de seguir dando la batalla —sin Lenin— con él.